
Special Ability - High-Speed Regeneration

Special ability in Noblesse manhwa - High-Speed Regeneration

High-Speed Regeneration is a supplementary ability possessed by M-21. Yet, it is still unknown if other races have this kind of ability.

High-Speed Regeneration allows a person to recover from any damage that they sustain by causing them to heal at an increased rate, closing the wounds on their body and causing any limbs that they have lost to grow back. 

While High-Speed Regeneration is indeed a powerful ability, it is not without its flaws. Despite the extent to which it can heal the body, internal organs such as the brain cannot be regenerated; if such irreparable damage is sustained, the rest of the body can continue to regenerate, though to no avail. In addition, if the body is damaged before it has the chance to heal, or if enough damage is inflicted on it at once, then it can be destroyed. It is shown that, after getting attack by the Nobles, who has usual imbued power, M-21 regeneration has slowed to a distant level.

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